I'm not the type to fall for mumbo-jumbo stuff, but this incident is true and based on a real life incident...
An office horror story |
So we recently had a new manager to oversee our shift; a lady of fine composure who did quite well.. until something went terribly wrong. Gita began hearing strange noises from a disused garden right below the restrooms, and within moments the lady who we thought of as having fine composure, transformed into a shrieking howling woman rushing out of the restrooms.
Oh what a sight it was! She ran straight to the puja corner chanting and smearing vibhuti (holy ash) on her forehead. The palpable excitement among the rest of us was worth coming to work that day. We gathered around Gita to get the best part of this juicy development.
"Could it be the plumbing? in the dead of the night, the rumbling sound of water flowing through the pipes... perhaps?" I spoke cautiously so as not to offend her, afterall she was our boss. She was offended and spoke firmly, "It was NOT water flowing through the pipes, It was NOT even the sound of any human or animal that I know of". and she covered her face in horror. Salma and Reena were shaking like leaves.
And although I pretended to, I wasn't scared one bit~ there had to be a logical explanation to this', I thought, visiting the restrooms, but found nothing unusual. Meanwhile, Gita's Ola ride had arrived and she left for the day. In hush hush whispering tones we continued discussing this strange event during coffee-break.
< A week later >
The management who had gotten to know about the horror story, had made some improvisations, like conducting a puja to rid negative energies, plus we now had two male staff members for the shift.
A week later, Gita's horror story was behind us and we were back to the grind. My struggle to stay awake at night often got the better of me. So one day at coffee-break I preferred to just lie my head down on my workstation instead. Alone at my workstation and in a state of drowsiness, I heard my NAME BEING CALLED 3 times at an interval of 2 seconds each, so distinctly. 'Damn! What?' I jerked my head up and looked around me~ No one else was in sight...
I dashed out to the cafeteria and got myself a cup of hot coffee to calm my nerves. "C'mon let's plan a potluck dinner one day", I could hear Reena's voice amidst my hazy thoughts. It would be a shame to tell anyone what transpired a few moments ago, so I let it pass. But, I do think about it ever so often~ Just as Gita had said, the voice that called my name didn't sound human either. Instead it was more like the sound of a thought than a spoken word.
"The supernatural is the natural not yet understood"~ Elbert Hubbard
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