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A Journey across India: The call to Adventure

An easy, practical and in-sequence itinerary planner I have travelled the length and breadth of India, and am truly proud of its rich and varied heritage. I am amazed by the tradition and values, the people, festivals, celebrations and the changing landscape. Have you wondered if it's possible to travel across India completely? Most foreigners arriving in India, land in Delhi and then travel the Golden Triangle route first- which is a good decision incase you have limited time at hand and want to make the most of it. The Golden Triangle- Delhi, Agra and Jaipur includes the much hyped Taj Mahal which invariably is part of a tourist's bucket list. This blog on the other hand- is a sequential strategy and detailed 'been there done that' itinerary plan starting from Mumbai. I am sure as we go through this Journey you will understand India better. My experiences are based from the perspective of a - digital nomad, budget backpacker and from a local standpoint. Each Itinerar

How to book tiger safari at Tadoba Andhari tiger reserve

At the heart of India, lies Tadoba Andhari Tiger reserve. Having read stories of Mogali’s adventure in Rudyard Kipling’s Jungle Book as a child, it was my desire to visit at least 1 forest reserve just like that. The jungles of Central India are indeed endearing and less likely to disappoint.

After a relaxing 2 days at Sewagram, I decided to visit Tadoba and was lucky enough to find a shared auto to Chandrapur. The weird, jerky 124 kms / 2.30 hrs auto ride changed terrain from smooth roads, criss-crossing through some villages and  terrible kutcha patches.

blog on my trip to a tiger reserve in Central India
blog on my trip to a tiger reserve in Central India

Which is the best time to visit Tadoba?

The best time to visit Tadoba is during the high summers when water is scarce. April & May is prime tiger-spotting time. But be warned it's 46° C

How to go to Tadoba tiger reserve?

Whether you are coming from Mumbai or Pune or any other places- the closest big city is Nagpur, which is well-connected by air, rail and road.

There is a rule that you must exit the park from the same gate you entered from.

My advice is from Chandrapur and enter from Moharli. If you don't have a car, there are 3 buses from Chandrapur to Moharli_ 8.45, 10 am & 2 pm. Rs. 45/-

Note : There's no ATM service in Moharli so we need to carry sufficient cash while traveling to this place.

Where can I stay at Tadoba?

  1. Tourist complex at Tadoba lake Rs. 200/ VIP suite.Make sure to call ahead and check if there's no internal census. The park is closed for 10 days or so during the census  Also closer to the water they have 2/ 3 bedrooms Rs.100/. There's also a Youth hostel 18 - bed dorm Rs. 20/ per bed. It seems too good to be true, so please check ahead.

  1. Another basic dormitory that I noticed, closer to Moharli gate /road_ Rs.750/

  1. I stayed at Serai Tiger Camp. ₹1500/ dormitory~5 kms from Mohurli gate.  Rates include all 3 meals and tea/ coffee, plus welcome drinks on arrival.

 Contact +91 981045095 Mr.Ajay Chandel (Resort Mgr) +91 7798463003 +91 8055057648

How to book safaris at Tadoba Andhari Tiger reserve?

If you are planning on visiting Tadoba, ideally book your safari first and then book a hotel. 

You can book by calling ph. 07172 251414 ( Field Director, Chandrapur) , but it is advisable to collect the booking slip from the office before you present yourself at the gate.

I was not aware of this,  and had to spend 1 day at Chandrapur.

Later that evening, I contacted the Forest dept office at Mul, Chandrapur and spoke to Kavita Yadav (officer in-charge). Since I was traveling solo, she confirmed a canter seat booking in her register, and told me to go directly to the booking counter to make payment.

Safari booking can also be done online- do check the official site. 

What is the cheapest safari at Tadoba?

The cheapest option is a canter i.e. 22 seater open top bus @ 400rs + camera 200rs (incase you have one). These buses ply only on main roads, and they cannot go to the interior parts of the jungle.

It was almost late afternoon when I reached Moharli gate, but not quite. So I had to call my hotel and they were kind enough to pick me up by bike. The road then leading to the private hotels stretch was still being constructed, and the bike ride was well- not so comfortable!

Having booked for the early morning safari the next day (by canter), we were oriented at the gate- how tiger sightings are a matter of chance and there is no guarantee how it may go. 

But, it was truly a lucky day and we got more than one sighting.

The forest itself is beautiful, with a variety of tree species. Check the ghost trees with their white branches. The mahua is everywhere, with its distinctive smell. 

Scattered throughout we found lovely kusums and flowering silk cottons which bloom from late - winter to spring. 

delicious dinner served at the hotel
delicious dinner served at the hotel

Photo gallery

sunset view of Tadoba forest
sunset view of Tadoba forest

a temple at Chandrapur
